Consumíveis | Ferramentas | Projéteis | Almas | Sem Uso | Multiplayer | Minério | Itens da Fogueira | Embers | Chaves | Munição
Itens úteis que podem ser usados indefinidamente.
Image | Name | Details |
Skull Lantern | Segurá-lo na mão esquerda (mão de escudo) e segurando L1 ou LB faz com que ele acenda uma área ao redor do personagem como uma tocha. Classificada como seu próprio tipo de arma, "Lanterna", a Lanterna da Caveira na verdade funciona como um escudo na mão esquerda e uma arma na direita, mas com pouca capacidade protetora ou ofensiva. Seu principal objetivo é criar luz para uso em áreas escuras. Gotas de necromancers em Catacombs. Também é encontrado no túmulo dos gigantes. Você receberá no nível mais baixo da área. |
Binoculars | Usá-lo como um item faz com que você use os binóculos para ver mais. Pode ser usado para mirar bestas para filmagens de longa distância. Para cima e para baixo no D-pad altera ligeiramente a ampliação. Encontrado no Cemitério no Santuário Firelink. Também pode ser tomado como um presente na criação do personagem. |
Darksign | Envia o usuário de volta para a última fogueira usada após a morte. Pode ser usado como um item (usos ilimitados) para voltar à fogueira anterior a qualquer momento, perdendo todas as almas e a humanidade. Se você é humano, não se tornará vazio. Disponível desde o início do jogo. Recomenda-se em todos os casos usar um osso de Homeward para viagens rápidas, que manterão a humanidade e as almas - a morte regular também é um método melhor do que usar Darksign, pois isso deixará uma mancha de sangue, enquanto o Darksign não. |
Dragon Head Stone | Transforma sua cabeça em uma de um dragão. Para usar isto com sucesso, nenhuma armadura principal deve ser equipada. O efeito durará até você morrer. Com uma cabeça de dragão, seu poder de fogo aumenta. Dom de ingressar no Caminho do Dragão.. |
Dragon Torso Stone | Transforma você completamente em um Dragonoid. Usar a Pedra do Dragão ativará uma habilidade similar a Miracle: Force, repelindo os oponentes. Também por alguns segundos, sua força de ataque aumentará em 25%. Como com a Dragon Head, o efeito vai durar até você morrer. Ofereça 30 Dragon Scales ao Dragon Everlasting. |
Black Eye Orb | Invada o mundo do assassino de um Guardião-do-Fogo. Encontrado no cadáver do guardião assassinado. É usado em Anor Londo |
Silver Pendant | Cria um campo ao redor do jogador que desvia a Magia Negra por alguns segundos. Ele é ativado de maneira semelhante à Force, embora o jogador seja capaz de se mover rapidamente enquanto o pingente ainda está em vigor. Irá deflexionar: Dark Orb, Dark Bead, ataques mágicos usados por Oolacile Sorcerers e Manus. Não se desviará: milagres ocultos, a respiração do fogo de Kalameet. Isso afastará os Perseguidores, mas não pode anular completamente os projéteis, tornando-se uma solução fraca contra o feitiço. Encontrado atrás de uma parede ilusória em Upper Oolacile Township, embora ao contrário de outras paredes ilusórias, será necessária uma fonte de luz de algum tipo para ser descoberta. Skull Lantern, Cast Light e Sunlight Maggot estão confirmados para funcionar. |
Cultivando almas
O maior multiplicador de drop de almas possível é + 72,8%. Isso é alcançado com um exagero (causando mais de 100% dos inimigos no máximo de pontos de vida em um único golpe), usando Covetous Silver Serpent Ring e Symbol of Avarice.
Almas Normais
Itens que lhe darão uma certa quantidade de almas quando consumidos. Eles são excepcionalmente úteis, pois fornecem uma fonte de almas que não serão perdidas na morte e, como tal, devem ser preservadas por um momento antes de você precisar delas.
Alma do Morto-Vivo Perdido | Recebe 200 almas quando consumida. Pode ser vendido pelo Frampt por 500 almas. |
Grande Alma do Morto-Vivo Perdido | Recebe 400 almas quando consumida. Pode ser vendido pelo Frampt por 500 almas. |
Alma do Soldado Sem Nome | Recebe 800 almas quando consumida. | |
Grande Alma do Soldado Sem Nome | Recebe 1,000 almas quando consumida. | |
Alma do Cavaleiro Altivo | Recebe 2,000 almas quando consumida. | |
Grande Alma do Cavaleiro Altivo | Recebe 3,000 almas quando consumida. | |
Alma do Bravo Cavaleiro | Recebe 5,000 almas quando consumida. | |
Grande Alma do Bravo Cavaleiro | Recebe 8,000 almas quando consumida. | |
Alma do Herói | Recebe 10,000 almas quando consumida. | |
Alma do Grande Herói | Recebe 20,000 almas quando consumida. |
Almas de Chefes
Almas que podem ser consumidas como almas regulares ou usadas na criação de armas únicas. Para subir em uma arma normal com uma Boss Soul, a arma deve ser do tipo de arma necessário para criar uma arma única (por exemplo, para criar o Moonlight Butterfly Horn, você deve usar um rapier ou uma lança - nenhuma outra classe de arma será usada. trabalho) e a arma deve ser atualizada para 10+. Os catalisadores não podem ser atualizados, portanto podem ser ascendidos por padrão. Para criar +10 armas, você precisará obter a Brasa Grande de The Depths e depois entregá-lo a Andre, que estará disponível para subir +5 armas. Para criar as armas Boss Soul, basta conversar com o Giant Blacksmith em Anor Londo, que oferecerá a opção imediatamente.
Image | Name | Details |
Alma da Borboleta do Luar | "Alma da mística borboleta do luar, que esvoaça no Darkroot Garden. Seres especiais têm almas especiais. A alma da borboleta é uma criação de Seath the Scaleless. Use para adquirir uma quantidade enorme de almas ou para criar uma arma única."
Alma da Quelaag | "Alma de Quelaag, uma vez filha da Bruxa de Izalith, mas agora um demônio do caos. Seres especiais têm almas especiais, e a alma de Quelaag contém todos os aspectos do Caos. Use-o para adquirir um grande número de almas ou para criar uma arma única."
Núcleo do Golem de Ferro | "Alma que serve como o núcleo do Golem de Ferro, guardião da Fortaleza de Sen e matadora de inúmeros heróis que procuram Anor Londo. Originalmente um osso de um dragão eterno. Use-o para adquirir uma quantidade enorme de almas ou criar uma arma única."
Alma do Gwyndolin | "Alma do Gywndolin da Lua Negra, deus do Sol Negro e guardião do deserto de Anor Londo. Seres especiais têm almas especiais. Use a alma do último filho de Gywn para adquirir uma quantidade enorme de almas ou criar uma arma única."
Alma do Ornstein | "Alma de Ornstein, O Matador de Dragões, Cavaleiro que guarda a catedral na cidade abandonada de Anor Londo. Seres especiais têm almas especiais. Lorde Gywn concedeu esta alma a seus quatro cavaleiros mais confiáveis. Use para adquirir uma grande quantidade de almas ou para criar uma arma única."
Alma do Smough | "Alma de Smough, o Carrasco, que guarda a catedral na cidade abandonada de Anor Londo. Seres especiais têm almas especiais. Use a alma deste executor assustadoramente alegre para adquirir uma grande quantidade de almas ou para criar uma arma única."
Alma do (Gramde Lobo) Sif | "Alma de Sif, o Grande Lobo Cinzento, que guarda o túmulo de Artorias, o Andarilho do Abismo. Seres especiais têm almas especiais. Use a alma de Sif, que herdou a espada divina de cavaleiro, para adquirir uma grande quantidade de almas ou para criar uma arma única."
Alma da Priscilla | "Alma de Priscila, a Mestiça, presa para dentro do mundo pintado de Ariamis. Seres especiais têm almas especiais. Use a alma desta filho bastardo mestiço e a antítese de toda a vida para adquirir uma grande quantidade de almas ou para criar uma arma única."
Alma do Gwyn, Senhor do Cinzeiro | "Alma de Gywn, Senhor da Luz do Sol e do Cinzeiro, que ligou a Primeira Chama. Lorde Gywn legou a maior parte de seu poder aos Deuses e queimou como uma brasa para a Primeira Chama, mas mesmo assim, a alma de Lorde Gywn é uma coisa poderosa de fato."
Alma do Guardião | "Alma do leão de asas brancas, guardião do santuário, que temia a expansão do Abismo. O Guardião exibia traços de vários animais além de leões, sugerindo que não era uma besta comum, mas sim mais próxima dos seres conhecidos como Demônios."
Alma do Artorias | "Alma do Artorias, Cavaleiro de Lorde Gwyn que foi consumido pelo Abismo. A história de que Artorias repeliu o Abismo contou apenas metade da história. Parece que ele foi derrotado e sua honra preservada por algum herói não celebrado, que é o verdadeiro vencedor do Abismo."
Alma do Manus | "Alma de Manus, Pai do Abismo. Esta alma extraordinária é uma massa viscosa e morna de humanidade. O Manus antigo claramente já foi humano. Mas ele se tornou o Pai do Abismo depois que sua humanidade foi à loucura, buscando eternamente seu precioso pingente quebrado."
Sem Uso
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Pendant |
Appears to have no use. Can be chosen as a gift upon character creation. Dropped by Reah of Thorolund if Petrus kills her. Rare drop from invaders in Darkroot Garden. Can be traded with Snuggly for a Souvenir of Reprisal. |
Rubbish |
It has no value. Found by dropping down, to the area below, right in front of the first fog door in Undead Burg. Can be traded with Snuggly for a Titanite Chunk. |
Copper Coin |
Coin made of copper. Its face shows an image of Old Man McLoyf, god of medicine and drink. Talk to Petrus of Thorolund a couple times before Reah arrives and he will give you one. Can be sold to Kingseeker Frampt for 1.000 souls. |
Silver Coin |
Coin made of silver, with the portrait of the legendary Knight King Rendal on its face. A Mimic in Anor Londo drops 5 of these. Can be sold to Kingseeker Frampt for 3.000 souls. |
Gold Coin |
Coin made of gold, with Allfather Lloyd and his white halo shown on its face. Dropped by a Mimic in Anor Londo. Found on a body in the Painted World. Can be sold to Kingseeker Frampt for 5.000 souls. |
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Orange Guidance Soapstone |
Online play item used to write and rate messages left by other players. It activates like any other item. The messages in the tutorial level may not be rated, as with any developer message. Purchased from the Undead Merchant for 100 souls. |
White Sign Soapstone |
Online play item used to leave summon sign for cooperative play. Be summoned to another world as a phantom through your sign, and defeat the area boss to acquire humanity. Dead players may also use this item and be summoned, but only human players can summon. Game text: "In Lordran, the flow of time is distorted, and the White Sign Soapstone allows Undead to assist one another." Gift from Solaire of Astora |
Black Separation Crystal |
The crystal sends phantoms back to their homes, or sends you back to yours. Doesn't work on Black (invading) Phantoms Using this as an ally will give you +1 Sin in the Book of the Guilty Game text: "This black crystal, long a symbol of farewell, is granted to banished Undead. Beware of fickle use of this item if you intend to nurture relations." |
Red Sign Soapstone |
This item will allow you to invade another player's world. Using this item will place a soul sign onto the ground and another player must accept it to summon you into their world to fight. The victor will be rewarded with one Humanity. You may summon 3 invaders and the invaders will be able to damage each other. This item is found in the Painted World of Ariamis. |
Cracked Red Eye Orb |
This consumable item will allow you to invade another player's world by force. A failed invasion will not consume the item (after patch 1.05) The winner receives 1 humanity (a victorious host must pick it up via the invader's bloodstain) The defeated host may report the invader with an indictment placing the invader in the Book of the Guilty Purchased from Darkstalker Kaathe or found throughout the world. 4 may be found in a chest in the elevator shaft near Firelink Shrine. |
Red Eye Orb |
This reusable item allows the player to invade another player's world by force You receive this item after ranking up once with the Darkwraith covenant, you may only use this as long as you are part of the covenant. Need Confirmation. Even if the host is not informed the fog walls would give away your presence. |
Blue Eye Orb |
Invade the world of a sinner. Use of this item will invade the game world of any player within your vicinity as a blue phantom, in contrast with the Darkmoon Blade Covenant Ring, which will only summon you to the dark version of Anor Londo from any location. Players who invade using this method cannot have an indictment placed upon them. Item can be used infinitely. Received for joining the Blade of the Dark Moon covenant. Item may be used while hollowed. (Confirmed) |
Dried Finger |
Resets invasion timer. After being invaded, there's a timelimit that prevents further invasions for a while. Use this item to reset the timelimit, so you can be invaded again. See thread here |
Book of the Guilty |
Online play item. Checklist of indicted players. People in this book can be invaded by the Blade of the Dark Moon Covenant. Purchased from Oswald of Carim for 1,000 souls. |
Indictment |
Online play item. Indict invader. When slain by an invading player, this item can be used to add that player's name to the Book of the Guilty. If slain by a player in the Blade of the Dark Moon faction, you will be notified that the invading player cannot be indicted. Purchased from Oswald of Carim for 200 souls. |
Servant Roster |
Check servants of the Daughters of Chaos. Overview of Chaos Servant's and how much Humanity they have offered. Sold by Eingyi. |
Dragon Eye |
Invade world of possessor of Dragon Scale. Find a player who has aquired a Dragon Scale and invade that player´s world to pillage it. (Only Covenanter can use the item) |
Eye Of Death |
Lure Phantoms from other worlds. Must be Human and a Gravelord Servant to use this item. Can only be used in areas with the boss still alive. Used to curse the world of up to 3 online players. The cursed world will have additional black phantom enemies. Dropped from the Basilisks (fairly common following patch 1.05) in the Depths and The Great Hollow. Purchased from Patches the Hyena for 3,000 souls apiece, although he only has 3 in stock. |
Sunlight Medal |
Related to the Warrior of Sunlight faction. If a boss is defeated while a Warrior of Sunlight covenant member has been summoned, everyone involved (host, covenant member, and any other friendly summons) will receive 1 medal. The covenant member must be a summons; if the host is a member but none of the summons are no medal will be received. If you save Knight Lautrec, talk to him when he goes to Firelink Shrine. He will reward you with 1 medal. Can be traded with Snuggly for a White Titanite Chunk. Rare drop from Sunlight Maggots. (Demon Ruins, Lost Izalith) |
Souvenir of Reprisal |
Blood-drained, shrunken ear. Souvenir taken from subduing the guilty. Related to the Blades of the Darkmoon faction. Use the Black Eye Orb to kill Knight Lautrec and you will receive 1 of this item. Trade Pendant with "Snuggly" to receive 1 of this item Rare drop from Harpies in Painted World of Ariamis |
Purple Coward's Crystal |
Online play item used to exit Battle of Stoicism. (AotA Only) It activates like any other item. Game text: "Online play item.Quit battle of Stoicism.(Session ends if host leaves) Victory in this battle once led to ancient Anor Londo, but ecen in the ansence of its overseer, capitulation is a disgrece.In the name of a warrior's honor, do not quickly resort to use of this crystal." Received after joining Battle of Stoicism. |
Itens da Fogueira
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Repairbox |
Used to repair damaged equipment. Only needs to be bought once, but you still need to use souls as you would if a Blacksmith did the repair for you. Sold by Undead Merchant for 3,000 souls and Andre of Astora for 2,000 souls. |
Weapon Smithbox |
Tool used to etch Titanite into weapons for reinforcement. Only needs to be bought once, but you still need to use souls as you would if a Blacksmith did the reinforcement for you. Some upgrades, especially the first branch of a new upgrade path, require a Blacksmith. Example: You must have Blacksmith turn a +5 weapon into a divine weapon, but you can then use the smithbox to upgrade to Divine level +1..+5 Sold by Andre of Astora for 2,000 souls. |
Armor Smithbox |
Tool used to etch titanite into armor for reinforcement. Only needs to be bought once, but you still need to use souls as you would if a Blacksmith did the reinforcement for you. Sold by Andre of Astora for 2,000 souls. |
Bottomless Box |
Store excess items without limit (a la Stockpile Thomas). If there is a limit it is massive and more than you need to hold one of every item, Rest at a bonfire to make inventory management possible. Sold by Domhnall of Zena for 1,000 souls. You keep this once you start NG+. |
Rite of Kindling |
Kindle bonfires past their limit. Obtain up to 20 Estus Flasks from a bonfire by repeatedly kindling it with Humanity. Earned by defeating Pinwheel in The Catacombs. |
Lordvessel |
Warp between Bonfires. This only applies to certain bonfires. Unlock final area, the Kiln of the First Flame. Gift from Gwynevere after defeating Ornstein and Smough in Anor Londo. |
Soul of Four Kings |
Bequeathed Lord Soul Shard. "Soul of one of the Four Kings, who fell to Dark. A fragment of a Lord Souls discovered at the dawn of the Age of Fire. Lord Gwyn recognized the foresight of these four great leaders of New Londo, and granted them their ranks and the fragments of a great soul. Although this is not a full Lord Soul, it can still satiate the Lord Vessel."
Soul of Seath the Scaleless |
Bequeathed Lord Soul Shard. "Soul of the albino Seath the Scaleless. A fragment of a Lord Soul discovered at the dawn of the Age of Fire. Seath allied with Lord Gwyn and turned upon the dragons, and for this he was awarded Dukedom, embraced by the royalty, and given a fragment of a great soul. Although just a piece, it will still satiate the Lordvessel."
Soul of Gravelord Nito |
Lord Soul. "Soul of Gravelord Nito, first of the dead. This Lord Soul was discovered at the dawn of the Age of Fire. Gravelord Nito administers the death of all manner of beings. The power of this soul is so great that it satiates the Lordvessel, despite the fact that much of its energy has already been offered to death."
Soul of Bed of Chaos |
Lord Soul. "Soul of the Bed of Chaos and the mother of all demons. This Lord Soul was found at the dawn of the Age of Fire. The Witch of Izalith attempted to duplicate the First Flame from a soul, but instead created a distorted being of chaos and fire. Its power formed a bed of life which would become the source for all demons, and is more than enough to satiate the Lordvessel."
Embers are given to blacksmiths so they can grant weapon ascension used in modifying weapons. These items are listed as keys. Once you obtain an ember and hand it over to the qualified Blacksmith, he will be able to do that upgrade to any weapon as many times as you want (as long as you have the materials of course) The embers must be acquired again each playthrough!
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Blackmith |
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Large Ember |
Andrei |
Depths. Found in a chest behind the first Butcher in the kitchen.
Very Large Ember |
Andrei |
New Londo Ruins. After lowering the water level, go up the staircase found in a corner of the room with the Mass of Souls closest to Valley of Drakes. Ember is on the third floor.
Divine Ember |
Andrei |
Darkroot Garden. After defeating the Moonlight Butterfly, continue across the bridge and up to the top of the tower. The ember is held by a petrified Blacksmith.
Large Divine Ember |
Andrei |
Among several giant skeletons inside a tomb, in Tomb of Giants, above the first bonfire. The ember is held by a petrified Blacksmith.
Dark Ember |
Andrei |
Found after unlocking the Annex in Painted World of Ariamis. The ember is held by a petrified Blacksmith.
Large Magic Ember |
Rickert |
The Duke's Archives. After defeating Seath the Scaleless, return to the archives where you first confronted it and open the chest.
Enchanted Ember |
Rickert |
Located at the heart of the Darkroot Garden, between the cats and Alvinas' tower. It is stored inside a treasure chest, in shallow water, guarded by big mushrooms. If you attack a small mushroom it will lead you to the big mushrooms.
Crystal Ember |
Giant |
The Duke's Archives. Behind some bookshelves in the archives, in the room with stairs leading down to the garden and the Crystal Cave.
Large Flame Ember |
Vamos |
In the Demon Ruins, after descending the great stairs, taking the left path before walking up to the fog-gate will ultimately lead to the Ember.
Chaos Flame Ember |
Vamos |
Demon Ruins. After killing Ceaseless Discharge, and then all the Taurus Demons after the lava flows away below. The Ember is on a corpse in the former lava bed.
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Unlocks Location |
MK |
Master Key |
Gotten by choosing it as a gift, or the thief class, at the start of the game. Buy it for 5,000 souls from Domhnall of Zena after he moves under the bridge by Firelink Shrine. |
Unlocks many locks in the early areas. See which locks it opens in the MK section to the right, or on the Master Key page. |
MK |
Dungeon Cell Key |
Northern Undead Asylum. On corpse dropped into cell. |
Northern Undead Asylum. Cell door. |
No |
Undead Asylum F2 East Key |
Undead Asylum. Gift from half dead knight. |
Undead Asylum. Door behind boulder trap. |
No |
Undead Asylum F2 West Key |
Firelink Shrine. Roof of building flooded with water. Accessible after unlocking lift to Undead Church. |
Undead Asylum. Open the door guarded by Elite Undead, leads to Rusted Iron Ring. |
No |
Big Pilgrim's Key |
Dropped by Asylum Demon. |
Undead Asylum. Exit Asylum. |
No |
Residence Key |
Undead Burg. Bought from Undead Merchant. |
Access 3x Gold Pine Resin in a residence in Undead Burg. |
Yes |
Frees Griggs of Vinheim in Lower Undead Burg. |
No |
Mystery Key |
Found behind the first ladder (after armored boar) in Undead Parish. |
Frees Lautrec. Behind a breakable door, on the second floor of the Undead Church. |
Yes |
Basement Key |
Found on steps to Undead Church, right behind the big gate. |
Unlocks small door at the start of the Hellkite bridge, leading to the Lower Undead Burg |
No |
Key to Depths |
Lower Undead Burg. Dropped by Capra Demon. |
Unlocks door to the Depths. Go down stairs by the Capra location, the door is at the bottom of the tower by two thiefs. |
No |
Sewer Chamber Key |
Depths. On a corpse in the room with the giant rat. The key is also accessible from the other side of the iron bars. |
Unlocks Bonfire room in the first slime-hallway in Depths. |
Yes |
Blighttown Key |
Depths. Dropped by Gaping Dragon. |
Unlocks Blighttown. Huge doors beside Domhnall of Zena (sewer merchant) in Depths. |
No |
Watchtower Basement Key |
Darkroot Garden. On top of the tower, after crossing the Moonlight Butterfly bridge. |
Unlock shortcut between Undead Burg and Darkroot Basin, guarded by Havel. |
Yes |
Key to New Londo Ruins |
Blighttown. In Chest at the end of the cave, when entering from Valley of Drakes. |
Unlocks shortcut between New Londo Ruins and Valley of Drakes. |
Yes |
Key to the Seal |
New Londo Ruins. Gift from Ingward after getting the Lordvessel. He will also drop it if killed. |
Access lower New Londo, Valley of Drakes (2nd entrance) and The Abyss. |
No |
Cage Key |
Sen's Fortress. At the bottom of the tower with Crestfallen Merchant. Jump across the broken bridge to access tower. |
Unlocks hidden cages in Sen's Fortress. Free Logan and a Hero Soul. |
Yes |
Unlocks cage elevator in Sen's Fortress. |
No |
Archive Tower Cell Key |
The Duke's Archives. Dropped by sleeping snake-head guard. |
Opens prison in Archive Tower. Opens third door down from bonfire. |
No |
Archive Prison Extra Key |
The Duke's Archives. Found on corpse after dropping down from cell 3 to 4. |
Opens the other cell doors in Archive Tower. Also opens second door in the Bonfire cell, and shortcut to gramophone. |
No |
Archive Tower Giant Door Key |
The Duke's Archives. Found in chest behind gramophone. |
Exit Archive Tower. |
No |
Archive Tower Giant Cell Key |
The Duke's Archives. Found in chest at bottom of Archives, by the exit to the Crystal Cave. |
Opens cell behind octopuses. Free Big Hat Logan. |
No |
Annex Key |
Found in dungeon in Painted World of Ariamis. |
Opens Annex in Painted World. Get Dark Ember. |
No |
Crest of Artorias |
Bought from Blacksmith Andrei for 20,000 souls. Dropped by Blacksmith Andrei |
Opens the sealed gate within Darkroot Garden. |
No |
Peculiar Doll |
Found inside jail cell, in the Undead Asylum, when returning. |
Access Painted World of Ariamis. |
No |
Broken Pendant |
Dropped by the Crystal Golem at the entrance to the Duke's Archives. Dusk of Oolacile must have been rescued for the Crystal Golem to appear. (AotA only) |
Access Lost Oolacile from the Darkroot Basin. |
No |
Crest Key |
Found inside a chest in Oolacile Township, near a lit fireplace. (AotA only) |
Access Hawkeye Gough. |
No |